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The bot is offline.#

  • Check the outages channel in the support server for info any outages.

The bot is online but isn't responding to my command.#

All commands are listed in the commands section.

  • Check you have typed the command correctly.
  • Check you have the permissions needed to use that command.
  • Make sure the bot is able to see the channel and has permission to send messages.

I can't upload icons.#

The bot needs permissions View Channels and Send Messages make sure this is set. Make sure there are no channel specific permissions which will overide these.

The icon task I've setup didn't work.#

Check your guild config using /showconfig

The icon tasks are triggered within the hour of 2am in the selected timezone. If it has not reached 3am yet then there is a chance that the task may still trigger.

If the time is 3am in the timezone set and the icon still hasn't changed then check the following.

For icon tasks to work properly you must have: